Examples of Current Research

Examples of Current Research

Time series of IFA-averged fields

Fiure 1. Time series of divergence (1/sec) averaged over the IFA for the TOGA COARE IOP (11/01/92 - 02/28/93) deduced from analyzed sounding data. Positive values (warmer shades) depict periods and regions of divergence while negative values (cooleer shades) depict periods and regions of convergence. Data have been smoothed with a 5-day running mean filter. Lite solid line near 5 km denotes the location of the freezing level.

Fiure 2. Time series of omega (mb/hour) averaged over the IFA for the TOGA COARE IOP (11/01/92 - 02/28/93) deduced from analyzed sounding data. Cool (warm) shades depict periods and regions of upward (downward) motion. Data have been smoothed with a 5-day running mean filter. Lite solid line near 5 km denotes the location of the freezing level.

Fiure 3. Time series of relative humidity (percent) averaged over the IFA for the TOGA COARE IOP (11/01/92 - 02/28/93) deduced from analyzed sounding data. Cool (warm) shades depict moist (dry) periods and regions. Humidities were computed with respect to water at T's > 0C, and with respect to ice at T's < 0C. Data have been smoothed with a 5-day running mean filter. Lite solid line near 5 km denotes the location of the freezing level.

Fiure 4. Time series of equivalent potential temperatute (K) averaged over the IFA for the TOGA COARE IOP (11/01/92 - 02/28/93) deduced from analyzed sounding data. Cool (warm) shades depict periods and regions of low (high) equivalent potential temperature. Data have been smoothed with a 5-day running mean filter. Lite solid line near 5 km denotes the location of the freezing level.

Fiure 5. Time series of temperature lapse rate (K/km) averaged over the IFA for the TOGA COARE IOP (11/01/92 - 02/28/93) deduced from analyzed sounding data. Cool (warm) shades depict periods and regions of low (high) stability. Note three levels or higher stability: near 800 mb (associated the trade inversion), near 550 mb (or the freezing level, associated with the effects of melting) and near the tropopause. Data have been smoothed with a 5-day running mean filter. Lite solid line near 5 km denotes the location of the freezing level.
