10/03/1996 Documentation for CSU gridded analyses (Version 1). The data files in this directory have been compressed and should be transferred as binary files. The data are contained in the following files. The numbers following the file description refer to the file sizes (in mbytes) in uncompressed and compressed forms, respectively. file_name brief description file size sfc.tar - surface fields for all months (18.1, 5.1) q_nov.tar - specific humidity (g/kg) for 11/92 (26.6, 6.0) q_dec.tar - specific humidity (g/kg) for 12/92 (27.4, 6.3) q_jan.tar - specific humidity (g/kg) for 01/93 (27.5, 6.3) q_feb.tar - specific humidity (g/kg) for 02/93 (27.4, 6.3) t_nov.tar - temperature (C) for 11/92 (26.6, 6.8) t_dec.tar - temperature (C) for 12/92 (27.4, 7.1) t_jan.tar - temperature (C) for 01/93 (27.5, 7.1) t_feb.tar - temperature (C) for 02/93 (24.8, 6.3) u_nov.tar - zonal wind comp. (m/s) for 11/92 (26.6, 6.0) u_dec.tar - zonal wind comp. (m/s) for 12/92 (27.4, 6.3) u_jan.tar - zonal wind comp. (m/s) for 01/93 (27.5, 6.3) u_feb.tar - zonal wind comp. (m/s) for 01/93 (24.8, 5.9) v_nov.tar - meridional wind comp. (m/s) for 11/92 (26.6, 5.4) v_dec.tar - meridional wind comp. (m/s) for 12/92 (27.4, 5.5) v_jan.tar - meridional wind comp. (m/s) for 01/93 (27.5, 5.4) v_feb.tar - meridional wind comp. (m/s) for 01/93 (24.8, 5.0) z_nov.tar - geopotential height (m) for 11/92 (26.6, 8.3) z_dec.tar - geopotential height (m) for 12/92 (27.5, 8.6) z_jan.tar - geopotential height (m) for 01/93 (27.5, 8.7) z_feb.tar - geopotential height (m) for 02/93 (24.8, 7.8) Total size 549.7 139.1 Fields of geopotential height (z), zonal wind (u), meridional wind (v), temperature (T) and specific humidity (q) were objectively analyzed using multiquadric interpolation (Nuss and Titley 1994) over the Large Scale Array (LSA) of TOGA/COARE at 25 mb resolution from 1000 to 25 mb and at 1 degree resolution in both the latitude and longitude directions. Surface fields and surface pressure was also analyzed over the LSA. This analyses was done for 480 six hour intervals (00, 06, 12, and 18UTC) during the COARE Intensive Observing Period (IOP - 1 November, 1992 through 28 February, 1993). The missing value flag is -999.0 for all fields. To read data, first untar files that you want, then uncompress these files using the UNIX uncompress command. Fortran program "readascii_grids.f" has been supplied to help users read the various data fields. One should refer to this program for information on the convention used is creating the data files. Please refer any questions or problems pertaining to this dataset to Paul Ciesielski at: paulc@torando.atmos.colostate.edu.