These data were made available by NASA. For IOP1 and IOP2 there were 154 high resolution soundings taken on the Shiyan 3 (nominal position at 20.4N, 116.9E) and 152 soundings taken on the Kexue 1 (nominal position at 6.3N, 110E). These data are from Vaisala GPS radiosondes using a H-humicap humidity sensor. These data have not been quality controlled.
Steps to access and read gridded data files:
At this location, you will find three files:
- README (data information most of which is contained here) - hires_upa_shiyan3.tar (Shiyan 3 sounding data) - hires_upa_kexue1.tar (Kexue 1 sounding data)Notes:
The sounding software on each of the ships was slightly different such that the data files described below are different.
Upon unzipping the Kexue 1 sounding data at each time one will find two files: (mmddyyhh.MSG and mmddyyhh.txt, mm-month, dd-date, yy-year, hh-UTC hour). The *.MSG file contains the GTS resolution coded message. The *.txt file contains the ~2 second temperature, humidity and wind data as function of height. Other pertinent information is included in the *.txt file.
Upon unzipping Shiyan 3 sounding data at each time one will find 5 files: mmdd_hh.bin which is a binary file generated by the sounding software, mmdd_hh.ptu which contains ~2 second temperature and humidity data as a function of height, which contains ~2 second wind data as a function of height, mmdd_hhs.ptu which contains 10 second temperature and humidity data as a function of height, which contains 10 second wind data as a function of height. Note: the height data on these Shiyan files is 3 meters too high at all levels.