Paul E. Ciesielski
Senior Research Associate
Colorado State University
Dept. of Atmospheric Science




Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, C. M. Fine, and C.-C. Wang, 2023: Effects of the topography of Sumatra on tropical cyclone formation over the Indian Ocean. MAUSAM: Quarterly Journal of Meteorology, Hydrology and Geophysics, 72(2) , 389-396. [ PDF , DOI ]

Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, and W. H . Schubert, 2023: Hydrometeor storage and advection effects in DYNAMO budget analyses. J. Atmos. Sci., 80(1), 181-188. [ PDF]

Johnson, R. H., S. P. de Szoeke, P. E. Ciesielski, and W. A. Brewer, 2023: The atmospheric boundary layer and the initiation of the MJO. J. Climate, 36(22) , 7893-7903. [ PDF]


Ciesielski, P. E., and R. H. Johnson, 2022: Extended analysis of the effects of the Sumatra’s topography on downstream low-level vortex development over the Indian Ocean. arXiv:2210.14370 [], 15 pp. [ PDF]


Ciesielski, P. E., R. H. Johnson, S. Tang, Y. Zhang, S. Xie, 2021: Comparison of conventional and constrained variational methods for computing large-scale budgets and forcing fields. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126, 21 pp. [ PDF , DOI ]

Ciesielski, P. E., and R. H. Johnson, 2021: Small island effects in DYNAMO and their impact on large-scale budget analyses. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 60, 577-594. [ PDF , DOI ]


Johnson, R. H., and P. E. Ciesielski, 2020: Potential vorticity generation by West African squall lines. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 1691-1715. [ PDF , DOI ]


Schubert, W. H., P. E. Ciesielski, and R. H. Johnson, 2018: Heat and Moisture Budget Analysis with an Improved Form of Moist Thermodynamics. arXiv:1810.11119 [], 14 pp. [ PDF]

Ciesielski, P. E., R. H. Johnson, W. H. Schubert, and J. H. Ruppert, Jr, 2018: Diurnal cycle of the ITCZ in DYNAMO. J. Climate, 31 , 4543-4562. [ PDF]


Yu, H., R. H. Johnson, P. E. Ciesielski, and H. C. Kuo, 2017: Observation of Quasi-2-day Convective Disturbances in the Equatorial Indian Ocean during DYNAMO. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 2867-2888. [ PDF]

Johnson, R. H., and P. E. Ciesielski, 2017: Multiscale variability of the atmospheric boundary layer during DYNAMO. J. Atmos. Sci., 74, 4001-4021. [ PDF]

Fulton, S. R., W. H. Schubert, Z. Chen, and P. E. Ciesielski, 2017: A dynamical explanation of the topographically bound low-level easterly jet surrounding Antarctica. J. Geophys. Res., 122, 12635-12652. [ PDF]

Ciesielski, P. E., R. H. Johnson, X. Jiang, Y. Zhang, and S. Xie, 2017: Relationships between radiation, clouds, and convection during DYNAMO. J. Geophys. Res., 122, 2529–2548, DOI: 10.1002/2016JD025965. [ PDF]

Schubert, W. H., S. R. Fulton, and P. E. Ciesielski, 2017: Elliptic transverse circulation equations for balanced models in a generalized vertical coordinate. arXiv:1705.05460 [], 11 pp. [ PDF]


Fine, C. M., R. H. Johnson, P. E. Ciesielski, and R. K. Taft, 2016: Role of topography in tropical cyclogenesis over the Indian Ocean. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144, 4827-4847. [ PDF , DOI ]

Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, and T. M. Rickenbach, 2016: A further look at Q1 and Q2 from TOGA COARE. Multiscale Convection-Coupled Systems in the Tropics: A tribute to Dr. Michio Yanai, Chap. 1, Meteorological Monographs, 56, 1.1-1.12. [ PDF ]

Tao, W.-K., Y. N.Takayabu, S. Lang, W. Olson, S. Shige, A.Hou, X. Jiang, W. Lau, T. Krishnamurti, D. Waliser, C. Zhang, R. Johnson, R. Houze, P. Ciesielski, M. Grecu, S. Hagos, R. Kakar, N. Nakamura, S. Braun, R. Oki, and A. Bhardwaj, 2016: TRMM Latent Heating Retrieval and Comparison with Field Campaigns and Large-Scale Analyses, Multiscale Convection-Coupled Systems in the Tropics: A tribute to Dr. Michio Yanai, Chap. 2, Meteorological Monographs [ PDF ]


Chen, S. M. Flatau, T. G. Jensen, T. Shinoda, J. Schmidt, P. May, J. Cummings, M. Liu, P. E. Ciesielski, C. W. Fairall, R.-C. Lien, D. B. Baranowski, N.-S. Chi, S. deSzoeke, J. Edson, 2015: A Study of CINDY/DYNAMO MJO Suppressed Phase, J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 3755-3779.

Jensen, M. P., T. Toto, D. Troyan, P.E. Ciesielski, D.J. Holdridge, J. Kyrouac, and J. Schatz, 2015: The Midlatitude Continental Convective Cloud Experiment (MC3E) Sounding Network: Operations, Processing and Analysis. Atmos. Measurement Tech., 7, 9275-9315, doi:10.5194/amtd-7-9275-2014, 2015. [ PDF ]

Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, J. H. Ruppert, Jr., and M. Katsumata, 2015: Sounding-based thermodynamic budgets for DYNAMO. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 598-622. [ PDF ]

Oh, J.-H., X. Jiang, D. E. Waliser, M. W. Moncrieff, R. H. Johnson, and P. E. Ciesielski, 2015: Kinematic analysis of westerly wind bursts associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 3780-3799. [ PDF, DOI ]

Yu, H., P. E. Ciesielski, J. Wang, H.-C. Kuo, H. Vomel, R. Dirksen, 2015: Evaluation of humidity correction methods for Vaisala RS92 tropical sounding data. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. , 32, 397-411. [ PDF ]


Ciesielski, P. E, R. H. Johnson, K. Yoneyama, and R. K. Taft, 2014: Mitigation of Sri Lanka island effects in Colombo sounding data and its impact on DYNAMO analyses, J. Meteor. Soc. of Japan, 92, 385-405. 598-622. [ PDF ]

Ciesielski, P. E, H. Yu, R. H. Johnson, K. Yoneyama, M. Katsumata, C. N. Long, J. Wang., S. M. Loehrer, K. Young, S. F. Williams, W. Brown, J. Braun, and T. Van Hove, 2014: Quality-controlled upper-air sounding dataset for DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE: development and corrections. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 31, 741-764. [ PDF ] ,


Johnson, R. H., and P. E. Ciesielski, 2013: Structure and properties of Madden-Julian oscillations deduced from DYNAMO sounding arrays. J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 3157-3179. [ PDF , DOI ]

Stachnik, J. P., C. Schumacher, and P. E. Ciesielski, 2013: Total heating characteristics of the ISCCP tropical and subtropical cloud regimes. J. Climate, 26, 7097-7116. [ PDF , DOI ]

Zeng, X., W.-K. Tao, S. W. Powell, R. A. Houze Jr., P. E. Ciesielski, N. Guy, H. Pierce, and T. Matsui, 2013: A comparison of the water budgets between clouds from AMMA and TWP-ICE. J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 487-503. [ PDF , DOI ]


Ciesielski, P. E., P. T. Haertel, R. H. Johnson, J. Wang, and S. M. Loehrer, 2012: Developing high-quality field program sounding datasets. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 93, 325-336. [ PDF , DOI ]

Johnson, R. H., S. F. Williams, and P. E. Ciesielski, 2012: Legacy Atmospheric Sounding Dataset Project. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 93, 14-17. [ PDF , DOI ]


Katsumata, M., P. E. Ciesielski, and R. H. Johnson, 2011: Evaluation of budget analysis during MISMO. J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., 50, 241-254. [ PDF , DOI ]


Ciesielski, P. E., W.-M. Chang, S.-C. Huang, R. H. Johnson, B. Jong-Dao Jou, W.-C. Lee, P.-H. Lin, C.-H. Liu, and J. Wang, 2010: Quality controlled upper-air sounding dataset for TiMREX/SoWMEX: Development and corrections. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 27,1802-1821. [ PDF , DOI ]

Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, T. S. L'Ecuyer, and A. J. Newman, 2010: Diurnal cycle of convection during the 2004 North American Monsoon Experiment. J. Climate, 23, 1060-1078. [ PDF , DOI ]


Katsumata, M., R. H. Johnson, and P. E. Ciesielski, 2009: Observed synoptic-scale variability during the developing phase of an ISO over the Indian Ocean during MISMO. J. Atmos. Sci. 66, 3434-3448. [ PDF]

Ciesielski, P. E., and R. H. Johnson, 2009: Atmospheric mixed layers over the South China Sea during SCSMEX. SOLA, 5, 29-32, doi:10.2151. [ PDF]

Ciesielski, P. E., R. H. Johnson, and J. Wang, 2009: Correction of humidity biases in Vaisala RS80-H sondes during NAME. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech. 26, 1763-1780. [ PDF]


Rowe, A., S.A. Rutledge, T.J. Lang, P.E. Ciesielski, and S.M. Saleeby, 2008: Elevation-dependent trends in precipitation observed during NAME. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 4962-4979.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2008: Diurnal cycle of surface flows during 2004 NAME and comparison to model reanalysis. J. Climate, 21, 3890-3913.

Schumacher, C., P.E. Ciesielski and M.H. Zhang, 2008: Tropical cloud heating profiles: analysis from KWAJEX. M. Wea. Rev., 136, 4348-4364.


Johnson, R.H., P.E. Ciesielski, B.D. McNoldy, P.J. Rogers, and R.K. Taft, 2007: Characteristics of the mean summer monsoon flow and its variability determined by the NAME sounding network. J. Climate, 20, 1628-1648.

Schumacher, C., M.H. Zhang, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2007: Heating structures of the TRMM field campaigns. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 2593-2610.


Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2006: Contrasting characteristics of convection over the Northern and Southern South China Sea during SCSMEX. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134, 1041-1062.

Higgins, W., and others, 2006: The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) 2004 field campaign and modeling strategy. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 87, 79-94.

Straub, K.H., G.N. Kiladis, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2006: The role of equatorial waves in the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon and demise of the El Nino during 1998. Dyn. of Atmos. and Oceans, 42, 216-238. [ PDF ]


Johnson, R. H., S. A. Aves, P. E. Ciesielski and T.D. Keenan, 2005: Organization of oceanic convection during the onset of the 1998 East Asian Summer Monsoon. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 131-148.


Schubert, W.H., and others, 2004: English translations of twenty-one of Ertel's papers on geophysical fluid dynamics. Meteor. Zeitschift, 13, 527-576.

Bordoni, S., P. E. Ciesielski, R. H. Johnson, B. D. McNoldy, and B. Stevens, 2004: The low-level circulation of the North American Monsoon as revealed by QuikSCAT. Geo. Res. Lett., 31, L10109, doi:10.1029/2004GL020009.

McNoldy, B. D., P. E. Ciesielski, W. H. Schubert, and R. H. Johnson, 2004: Surface winds, divergence, and vorticity in stratocumulus regions using QuikSCAT and reanalysis winds. Geo. Res. Lett., 31, L08304, doi:10.1029/2004GL019768.


Mapes, B.E., P.E. Ciesielski, and R.H. Johnson: 2003: Sampling errors in rawinsonde-array budgets. J. Atmos. Sci., 60, 2697-2714.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, P.T. Haertel and J. Wang: 2003: Corrected TOGA COARE sounding humidity data: Impact on diagnosed properties of convection and climate. J. Climate, 16, 2370-2384.

Tao, W.-K., C.-L. Shie, D. Johnson, J. Simpson, S. Braun, R.H. Johnson, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2003: Convective systems over the South China Sea: cloud-resolving model simulations. J. Atmos. Sci., 60, 2929-2956.


Johnson, R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 2002: Characteristics of the 1998 summer monsoon onset over the Northern South China Sea. J. Meteor. Soc. of Japan, 80, 561-578.


Johnson, R.H., P.E. Ciesielski and J.A. Cotturone, 2001: Multiscale variability of the atmospheric mixed-layer over the Western Pacific warm pool. J. Atmos. Sci., 58, 2729-2750.

Ciesielski, P.E., W.H. Schubert, and R.H. Johnson, 2001: Diurnal variability of the marine boundary layer during ASTEX. J. Atmos. Sci., 58, 2355-2376.


Johnson R.H. and P.E. Ciesielski: Rainfall and radiative heating estimates from TOGA-COARE Atmospheric Budgets, 2000: J. Atmos. Sci, 57, 1497-1514.


Ciesielski P.E, W.H. Schubert and R.H. Johnson, 1999: Large-scale heat and moisture budgets over the ASTEX region. J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 3241-3261.

Johnson R.H., T.M. Rickenbach, S.A. Rutledge, P.E. Ciesielski and W.H. Schubert, 1999: Trimodal characteristics of tropical convection. J. Climate, 12, 2397-2418.


Lu, C., P.E. Ciesielski, and W.H. Schubert, 1997: Geostrophic and ageostrophic circulations in midlatitude squall lines. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1218-1230.

Ciesielski, P.E., L.M. Hartten and R.H. Johnson, 1997: Impacts of merging profiler and rawinsonde winds on TOGA COARE analyses. J. of Atmos. and Oceanic Tech., 14, 1264-1279.


Johnson R.H., P.E. Ciesielski, and K.A. Hart, 1996: Tropical Inversions near the 0C layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 1338-1855.


Johnson R.H., B.D. Miner and P.E. Ciesielski, 1995: Circulations between mesoscale convective systems along a cold front. Mon. Wea. Rev., 123, 585-599.

Schubert W.H., P.E. Ciesielski, C. Lu and R.H. Johnson, 1995: Dynamical adjustment of the trade wind inversion layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 2941-2952.


Schubert, W.H., P.E. Ciesielski, D.E. Stevens and H.C. Kuo, 1991: Isentropic potential vorticity modeling of the ITCZ and the Hadley circulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 1493-1509.


Stevens, D.E., H.C. Kuo, W.H. Schubert and P.E. Ciesielski, 1990: Quasi-balanced dynamics in the tropics. J. Atmos. Sci., 47, 2262-2273.


Ciesielski, P.E., D.E. Stevens, R.H. Johnson and K.R. Dean, 1989: Observational evidence for asymmetric inertial instability. J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 817-831.


Sharipo, L.J., D.E. Stevens and P.E. Ciesielski, 1988: A comparison of observed and model_derived structures of Caribbean easterly waves. Mon. Wea. Rev., 116, 921-938.


Stevens, D.E. and P.E. Ciesielski, 1986: Inertial instability of horizontally sheared flow away from the equator. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 2845-2856.

Fulton, S.R., P.E. Ciesielski and W.H. Schubert, 1986: Multigrid methods for elliptic problems: a review. Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 944-959.

Ciesielski, P.E., S.R. Fulton and W.H. Schubert, 1986: Multigrid on of an elliptic boundary value problem from tropical cyclone theory. Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 797-807.

Rosenlof, K.H., D.E. Stevens, J.R. Anderson and P.E. Ciesielski, 1986: The Walker circulation with observed zonal winds, a mean Hadley cell, and cumulus friction. J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 450-467.


Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, S. F. Williams, and S. M. Loehrer, 2011: Field campaign atmospheric sounding legacy data sets. AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 25 Jan. 2011.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2010: Developing field program legacy sonde datasets for research applications. National Central University. Taipei, Taiwan, 18 Nov. 2010.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2010: DYNAMO/CINDY: An international experiment to study the initiation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Central Weather Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan, 16 Nov. 2010.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2010: The unique structure of atmospheric mixed layers over the Northern South China Sea. Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, 12 Nov. 2010.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2010: Error analyses for large-scale budgets in DYNAMO/CINDY. Operation Planning Workshop for DYNAMO/CINDY2011, Yokohama, Japan, 2 Nov. 2010.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2010: Budget-derived heating profiles and large-scale forcing dataset for AMMA. PMM meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov. 2010.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2010: Atmospheric Mixed Layers over the South China Sea during the Summer Monsoon. 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, 10 May 2010.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2009: Recent and Future Field Programs for TRMM/PMM Validation. PMM meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 27 Oct. 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson and M. Katsumata, 2009: Effects of Sampling Errors on Atmospheric Budget Analysis in MISMO. PMM meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 27 Oct. 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, B. Jou, and P.-H. Lin, 2009: Humidity Corrections in TiMREX Upper-Air Soundings and their Impact on Convective Parameters, Second SoWMEX/TiMREX data workshop. Taipei, Taiwan, 20-22 Oct. 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2009: Atmospheric Mixed Layers over the South China Sea during SCSMEX MOCA-09, Montreal, Canada, 20 July 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, B. Jou, C.H. Lui, 2009: Progress Towards a Quality-Controlled Sounding Dataset for SoWMEX/TiMREX. Chinese Cultural Univ. Departmental Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, 18 June 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2009: Atmospheric Mixed Layers and Some Implications for TiMREX. Special CWB Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 June 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2009: Some recommendations for Level 3 and Level 4 Sounding Datasets for SoWMEX/TiMREX, Second SoWMEX/TiMREX Science Team Meeting. Boulder, CO, 31 March - 2 April 2009.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, B. Jou, and P.-H. Lin, 2008: Roadmap to a legacy sounding dataset for SoWMEX/TiMREX, First SoWMEX/TiMREX data workshop. Taipei, Taiwan, 4-7 Nov. 2008.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, B. Jou, and P.-H. Lin, 2008: Roadmap to a legacy sounding dataset for SoWMEX/TiMREX, First SoWMEX/TiMREX data workshop. Taipei, Taiwan, 4-7 Nov. 2008.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2008: Correction of humidity biases in upper-air sondes during NAME and its impact on analyses. CPPA-PI meeting, Silver Springs, MD, 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2008.

Johnson, R.H., P.E. Ciesielski, and A. Neuman, 2008: The diurnal cycle of convection in the NAME domain. CPPA-PI meeting, Silver Springs, MD, 29 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2008.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2008: Validation of TRMM latent heating in the North American Monsoon. PMM Conference, Fort Collins, CO, 4-8 August 2008

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2008: TiMREX sonde intercomparison study: Motivation and recommendations. First TiMREX sonde intercomparison study at Banchio Weather Station, Taipei, Taiwan, 15 April 2008.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, and L. Hartten, 2008: Diurnal cycle of convection in NAME: Observations versus reanalysis. 28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, FL, 28 April - 2 May 2008.

Ciesielski, P.E., C. Schumacher, and M. Zhang, 2008: Tropical cloud heating profiles: Analysis from KWAJEX. Third International TRMM Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 4-8 Feb. 2008.

Johnson, R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 2008: Diurnal cycle of convection over the northern South China Sea derived from TRMM PR data heating profiles. Third International TRMM Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 4-8 Feb. 2008.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2007: Heating and moistening profiles during SCSMEX as a function of convective organization. Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoons in East Asia (ICMCS-VI), Taipei, Taiwan, 6-9 November 2007.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2007: Proposed TIMREX sounding network and plans for a sounding data monitoring and display facility at the TIMREX operations center. TIMREX Planning Workshop, Tainan, Taiwan, 10-11 November 2007.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, and J. Wang, 2007: Impact of sonde humidity corrections on TOGA COARE analyses. AMMA Second International Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 26-30 November 2007.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2007: Progress towards a NAME large-scale sounding dataset. TRMM/GPM Latent Heating Workshop, Annapolis, MD, 27-29 August 2007.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2007: The diurnal cycle of surface flows during NAME and comparison to model reanalysis. AGU Joint Assembly, Acapulco, MX, 22-25 May 2007.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2006: Analysis of heat and moisture budgets from the NAME enhanced sounding network. 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, 24-28 April 2006.

Straub, K.H., G.N. Kiladis, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2006: The role of equatorial waves in the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon. 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, 24-28 April 2006.

Schumacher, C., M.H. Zhang, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2006: Diurnal variations in tropical diabatic heating profiles. 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, 24-28 April 2006.

McNoldy, B.D., P.E. Ciesielski, and R.H. Johnson, 2006: Diurnal cycle of sea surface winds and temperatures during the 2004 North American Monsoon Experiment. 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, 24-28 April 2006.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2006: Analysis of heat and moisture budgets from the NAME enhanced sounding network. TRMM/GPM Latent Heating Workshop, Seattle, WA, 17-19 May 2007.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2006: An objective analysis of upper-air and surface data for NAME. NAME Science Working Group meeting, Tucson, AZ, 17-18 August 2006.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2006: NAME data issues. NAME Science Working Group meeting, Tucson, AZ, 17-18 August 2006.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2006: Impacts of PACS-SONET pibal soundings on NAME analyses. NAME Science Working Group meeting, Tucson, AZ, 17-18 August 2006.

Ciesielski, P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2005: NAME enhanced sounding network: Performance and preliminary results. NAME Data Analysis Meeting, Mexico City, MX, 9-11 March.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson, P.J. Rogers, and R.K. Taft, 2005: NAME upper-air gridded datasets: description and some preliminary results. 30th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Penn State University, 24-28 Oct.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.H. Johnson and D.J. Gochis, 2005: Characteristics of rainfall and convection during the North American Monsoon Experiment. GPM Workshop, Monterey CA, 12-15 Dec.

Johnson, R.H., P.J. Rogers, P.E. Ciesielski, B.D. McNoldy and R.K. Taft, 2005: Gulf surges, the diurnal cycle and convective outflows as revealed by the NCAR ISSs in NAME. NAME Data Analysis Meeting, Mexico City, MX, 9-11 March.

Johnson, R.H., P.E. Ciesielski and S.L. Aves, 2005: Contrasting the diurnal cycle over the Northern and Southern South China Sea during TRMM/SCSMEX.\x{FFFD} GPM Workshop, Monterey CA, 12-15 Dec.

Rogers, P.J., R.H. Johnson, P.E. Ciesielski, and B.D. McNoldy, 2005: An observational analysis of the 13 July gulf surge event during the 2004 North American Monsoon Experiment. 30th Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Penn State University, 24-28 Oct.

Ciesielski,P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2004: Plans for a sounding data monitoring and display facility at the NAME operations center in Tucson. NAME Planning Workshop, Tucson, Az, 21-23 April.

Johnson R.H., S.L. Aves, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2004: The organization of oceanic convection during the onset of the East Asian Monsoon. Fourth International Symposium on Asian Monsoon Systems (ISAM4), Kunming, China, May.

Ciesielski,P.E., and R.H. Johnson, 2004: Comparison of rainfall and latent heating profiles between the Northern and Southern budget arrays of SCSMEX. 2nd TRMM International Science Conference, NARA, Japan, 6-10 Sept.

Johnson R.H., S.L. Aves, S.W.\ Nesbitt, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2004: The diurnal cycle of precipitation over the Northern South China Sea. 2nd TRMM International Science Conference, NARA, Japan, 6-10 Sept.

Johnson R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 2004: Preliminary results of the NCAR ISS deployment in NAME. Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Madison, WI, October.

Ciesielski,P.E., R.H. Johnson, B.D. McNoldy, and W.H. Schubert, 2003: Analysis of summertime wind/moisture surges over the Gulf of California using QuikSCAT data. U.S. Clivar Pan-American Workshop, Boulder, CO, 16-17 September.

Ciesielski,P.E., R.H. Johnson, B.D. McNoldy, and W.H. Schubert, 2003: Analysis of summertime wind/moisture surges over the Gulf of California using QuikSCAT data. CIRA NOAA Review, Fort Collins CO, 4-5 November.

McNoldy, B.D., P.E. Ciesielski, and W.H. Schubert, 2003: QuikSCAT analysis of surface wind fields in the stratocumulus regimes. U.S. Clivar Pan-American Workshop, Boulder, CO, 16-17 September.

McNoldy, B.D., P.E. Ciesielski, and W.H. Schubert, 2003: QuikSCAT analysis of surface wind fields in the stratocumulus regimes. CIRA NOAA Review, Fort Collins CO, 4-5 November.

Johnson, R.H. and P.E. Ciesielski, 2003: Corrected TOGA-COARE sounding humidity data: Impact on climate and convection over the warm pool. 12th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, Long Beach, CA, February.

Johnson, R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski,P.E., S.L. Aves, and M. Zhang, 2003: Latent heating profiles during SCSMEX as a function of convection organization. Precipitation Missions Science Team Meeting, Greenbelt, MD, October.

Johnson R.H., P.E. Ciesielski, and B.E. Mapes, 2002: Effects of random sampling errors on TOGA-COARE atmospheric budgets. 25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA, 29 April - 3 May, 2002.

Shie, C.-L., W.-K. Tao, W.-K., D. Johnson, J. Simpson, S. Braun, J.J. Wang, R.H. Johnson, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2002: Convective systems during the South China Sea Monsoon onset and post-onset simulated by a cloud resolving model using SCSMEX data. TRMM International Science Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22-26 July, 2002.

Ciesielski P.E., R.H. Johnson, and B.E. Mapes, 2002: Impacts of random sampling errors on SCSMEX atmospheric budgets. TRMM International Science Conference , Honolulu, HI, 22-26 July, 2002.

Johnson R. H., S.L. Aves, P.E. Ciesielski and T.D. Keenan, 2002: Organization and structure of monsoon convection from ground-based radar and TRMM. TRMM International Science Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22-26 July, 2002.

Zhang M., P.E. Ciesielski, C. Schumacher, and others, 2002: Integrated analysis of TRMM field experimental data: heating profiles and CRM forcing fields. TRMM International Science Conference, Honolulu, HI, 22-26 July, 2002.

Ciesielski P.E. and R.H. Johnson, and J. Wang, 2002: Impacts of humidity-corrected sonde data on TOGA COARE analyses. 25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meterology, San Diego, CA, 29 April - 3 May, 2002.

Johnson R. H., R.E. McLeod, and P.E. Ciesielski, 2001: Diurnal cycle of convection over the Northern South China Sea during SCSMEX. Scientific Conference on the South China Monsoon Experiment, Shanghai, China, 17-20 April 2001

Ciesielski P.E. and R.H. Johnson, 2001: Heat and Moisture Budgets during SCSMEX. Scientific Conference on the South China Monsoon Experiment, Shanghai, China, 17-20 April 2001

Johnson R.H. and P.E. Ciesielski, 2000: The onset and evolution of the 1998 East Asian Summer Monsoon. 24rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meterology, Miami, FL, 29 May- 2 June, 2000.

Ciesielski P.E, W.H. Schubert, and R.H. Johnson, 1999: Heat and Moisture Budgets in Stratocumulus and Trade Cumulus Regimes - Synoptic and Diurnal Variability. 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meterology, Dallas, TX, 10-15 January.

Johnson R.H., P.E. Ciesielski, J.C. Knievel, and M.D. Parker, 1999: Peliminary Results from the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment Sounding Network. 23rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meterology, Dallas, TX, 10-15 January 1999.

Johnson R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 1999: The Onset of the 1998 East Asian Summer Monsoon. 1999 AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, MA, 1-4 June.

Ciesielski P.E, and R.H. Johnson, 1999: A Preliminary Analysis of the Quality for the SCSMEX/GAME Sounding Data. 1999 AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, MA, 1-4 June.

Ciesielski P.E, W.H. Schubert, and R.H. Johnson, 1999: Heat and Moisture Budgets in Stratocumulus and Trade Cumulus Regimes: Synoptic and Diurnal Variability. 22rd General Assembly of the IUGG, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 18-30 July.

Johnson R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 1999: Rainfall and Radiative Heating Estimates for TOGA-COARE. 22rd General Assembly of the IUGG, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 18-30 July.

Johnson R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 1999: Networks and the Onset of the 1998 Asian Summer Monsoon. 4th Conference on East Aian and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate, Hagzhou, 26-28 October.

Johnson R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 1999: TOGA-COARE Budgets: Implications for the Asian Monsoon. Yanai-Murakami Monsoon Symposium, Honolulu, HI, 6-7 December.

Ciesielski P.E and R.H. Johnson, 1998: Precipitation estimates for the COARE-IOP. COARE98, CLIVAR/GEWEX Conference, Boulder, CO, 7-14 July.

Ciesielski P.E., R.H. Johnson, and L.M. Hartten, 1998: An improved atmospheric sounding dataset with merged profiler and rawinsonde winds. COARE98, CLIVAR/GEWEX Conference, Boulder, CO, 7-14 July.

Johnson R.H., T.M. Rickenbach, S.A. Rutledge, P.E. Ciesielski and W.H. Schubert, 1998: On the trimodal distribution of tropical clouds. COARE98, CLIVAR/GEWEX Conference, Boulder, CO, 7-14 July.

Johnson R.H., J.A. Dickey, and P.E. Ciesielski, 1998: Diurnal variation of the atmospheric mixed layer and clouds over the warm pool. COARE98, CLIVAR/GEWEX Conference, Boulder, CO, 7-14 July.

Schubert W.H., P.E. Ciesielski and R.H. Johnson, 1998: The trade-wind inversion over the warm pool. COARE98, CLIVAR/GEWEX Conference, Boulder, CO, 7-14 July.

Ciesielski P.E. and R.H. Johnson, 1997: Impacts of sonde humidity errors on TOGA-COARE analyses. Joint Workshop of the TOGA COARE Flux and Oceans Working Groups and the GEWEX Cloud Systems Study Working Group 4 , Boulder, CO, 14-16 May.

Ciesielski P.E. and R.J. Johnson, 1996: An improved sounding dataset for TOGA-COARE. Fourth Workshop of the TOGA COARE Air-Sea Interaction (Flux) Working Group, Woods Hole, MA, 9-11 October.

Schubert W.H., P.E. Ciesielski, and R.J. Johnson, 1995: Dynamical adjustment of the trade wind inversion layer. 21st AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL, 24-28 April.

Ciesielski P.E., R.J. Johnson, and K.A. Hart, 1995: Temperature and Moisture Inversions near the 0C Level in TOGA COARE. 21st AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL, 24-28 April.

Ciesielski P.E., R.J. Johnson, and W.H. Schubert, 1995: Horizontal Distribution of Stable Layers over the Western Pacific Warm Pool during TOGA COARE. 21st General Assembly IAPSO Symposium, Honolulu, HA, 5-12 August.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.J. Johnson and K.H. Hart, 1994: Temperature and moisture inversions near the 0C level in TOGA/COARE. 6th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Portland, OR, 17-22 July.

Ciesielski, P.E. and R.J. Johnson: Temperature and moisture inversions near the 0C level over the Western Pacific warm pool: TOGA COARE International Data Workshop, Toulouse, France, 2-11 August.

Ciesielski, P.E., R.J. Johnson and J.C. Knievel, 1994: The Madden-Julian Oscillation during the TOGA/COARE IOP. TOGA COARE International Data Workshop, Toulouse, France, 2-11 August.

Johnson R.J., X. Lin, E.R. Hilgendorf, P.E. Ciesielski and J.C. Knievel, 1994: Comparison of TOGA-COARE sounding analysis fields with NMC and ECMWF operational analyses. TOGA COARE International Data Workshop, Toulouse, France, 2-11 August.

Schubert W.H., P.E. Ciesielski, and R.J. Johnson, 1994: Dynamical adjustment of the trade wind inversion layer. TOGA COARE International Data Workshop. Toulouse, France, 2-11 August.

Hart, K.H, R.J. Johnson and P.E. Ciesielski, 1994: Tropical water vapor distributions measured in TOGA/COARE. 6th Conference on Climate Variations, Nashville, TN, 23-28 January.

Ciesielski, P.E., B.J. Falvey and R.H. Johnson, 1993: Interannual variability of the 30-60 day oscillation over the TOGA/COARE domain. 20th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Antonio, TX, 10-14 May.

Johnson, R.H., J.F. Bresch, P.E. Ciesielski and W.A. Gallas, Jr., 1993: The TOGA/COARE atmospheric sounding array: its performance and preliminary scientific results. 20th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Antonio, TX, 10-14 May.

Stevens D.E., and P.E. Ciesielski, 1990: Dynamic Modeling of an Observed Mesoscale Jet Instability. Fourth Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Boulder, CO, 25-29 June.

Schubert, W.H., P.E. Ciesielski, D.E. Stevens and H.C. Kuo, 1991: Isentropic potential vorticity modeling of the ITCZ and the Hadley circulation. 19th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorolgy, Miami, FL, 6-10 May.

Ciesielski, P.E., W.H. Schubert and D.E. Stevens, 1991: Modeling of the Hadley circulation and its instabilities. Eight Conference on Atmospheric Waves and Stability, Denver, CO, 14-18 Oct.

Ciesielski, P.E., D.E. Stevens and R.H. Johnson, 1989: Observational evidence for asymmetric inertial instability. Seventh Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability of the AMS, San Francisco, CA, 10-14 April.

Stevens, D.E., M.A. Ringerud, and P.E. Ciesielski, 1989: Inertial instability of horizontally and vertically sheared parallel flow. Seventh Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability of the AMS, San Francisco, CA, 10-14 April.

Ciesielski, P.E., and D.E. Stevens, 1989: A modeling study of the sensitivity of easterly waves to QBO winds. 18th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA, 16-19 May.

Ciesielski, P.E., and D.E. Stevens, 1989: Observations and theoretical modeling of a mesoscale jet instability. Symposium on Mesoscale Phenomena: Analysis and Forecasting at fifth IAMAP meeting, Reading, United Kingdom, 31 July - 11 August.

Stevens, D.E. and P.E. Ciesielski, 1988: Evidence for asymmetric inertial instability. FIRE science team meeting, Aspen, CO, 11-14 July.

Ciesielski, P.E., L.J. Shapiro and D.E. Stevens, 1987: A comparison of observed and model-derived structures of tropical easterly waves. 17th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL, 7-10 April.

Rosenlof K.H., D.E. Stevens, J.R. Anderson and P.E. Ciesielski, 1985: A modeling study of the Walker circulation using different basic states in a linear model. 16th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Houston, TX, 14-17 May.

Stevens, D.E., P.E. Ciesielski and J.R. Anderson, 1984: Neutral and unstable modes in a horizontally sheared basic state. 15th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL, 9-13 January.

Schubert, W.H., P.E. Ciesielski and J.J. Hack, 1983: Response of the tropical atmosphere to convective cloud clusters. ECMWF Workshop on Convective Parameterizations, Reading, England.

Stevens, D.E. and P.E. Ciesielski, 1982: Transient Disturbances in a linear model with an explicit hadley circulation. 14th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA, 7-11 June.


Johnson, R.H., P.E. Ciesielski, and T.D. Keenan, 2004: Oceanic East Asian monsoon convection: results from the 1998 SCSMEX. East Asian Monsoon, Vol 2. 436-462.

Johnson, R.H., and P.E. Ciesielski, 2002: The SCSMEX/GAME sounding networks and the onset of th e1998 Asian summer monsoon. East Asian and Western Pacific Meteorolgy and Climate, Vol 1. 6-16.

Schubert, W.H., P.E. Ciesielski and K.W. Harding, 1992: Dynamics of the Australian Summer Monsoon. Colorado State University Amospheric Science Paper #492, 48 pp.

Schubert, W.H., S.K.Cox, T.B. McKee, D.A. Randall, P.E. Ciesielski, J.D. Kliest and E.L. Stevens, 1992: Analysis of sounding data from Porto Santo Island during ASTEX. Colorado State University Amospheric Science Paper #512, 96 pp.

Ringerud, M.A., D.E. Stevens and P.E. Ciesielski, 1990: Instability of horizontally and vertically sheared parallel flow. Colorado State University Atmospheric Science Paper #445, 95 pp.

Ciesielski, P.E., and D.E. Stevens 1989: A global model of linearized atmospheric perturbations: Revisions and improvements to original model. Colorado State University Atmospheric Science Paper #444, 83 pp.

Schubert, W.H., S.K. Cox, P.E. Ciesielski, and C.M. Johnson-Pasqua, 1987: Operation of the a ceilometer during the FIRE marine stratocumulus experiment. Colorado State Univertity Colorado State University Amospheric Science Paper #420, 34 pp.

Schubert, W.H., P.E.Ciesielski, T.B. McKee, J.D. Kleist, S.K. Cox, C.M. Johnson-Pasqua, W.L. Smith, Jr., 1987: Analysis of boundary layer sounding data from the FIRE marine stratocumulus project. Colorado State Univertity Amospheric Science Paper #419, 100 pp.

Stevens, D.E. and P.E. Ciesielski, 1986: A global model of linearized atmospheric perturbations: model description. Colorado State University Atmospheric Science Paper #377, 86 pp.

Ciesielski, P.E., 1980: Variability within the ocean-atmospheric system over the North Pacific, Colorado State University Environmental Research Paper, #25, 41 pp.